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What Is InterPlay?

InterPlay is a coming together of humanity's most precious gifts: music, movement, stories, and wholesome connection through witnessing, listening, and play. Drawing on our inherent creative spark through a variety of fun activities, InterPlay is body-based and improvisational. It gets groups moving, laughing, and sharing experiences.  Activities range from individual, paired, and group play.

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Why do InterPlay?
What are the benefits?

A powerful outlet for people of all ages, InterPlay draws out our ability to connect deeply with both ourselves and each other through activities that center the body and uplift creative expression.  Playfulness cultivates joy and opens the door to thinking outside the box.


For youth, InterPlay teaches emotional regulation and interpersonal skills. The activities are great tools for learning to ease stress, boost creativity, and build confidence.

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About BodyConnect 

BodyConnect Facilitation is Slow’s (he/they/she) InterPlay facilitation work.  He goes into schools from kindergarten through graduate level as well as summer camps, youth organizations, and workplaces.  They also offer public events and private sessions.  She seeks to deepen bonds within communities and spread a sense of calm and lightheartedness through the power of creativity and embodiment.

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About Carrie

Slow (he/they/she) is an arts facilitator and youth worker passionate about strengthening community wellness through body-connection and playfulness. He has three years of experience facilitating InterPlay. They also facilitate mindfulness practice at Common Ground Meditation Center in Minneapolis.


Slow has a Masters in Education from the School of Social Work at the University of Minnesota with a specialty in Youth Development Leadership. She is dedicated to sharing practices that help us move through the world with more relaxation, connection, and joy.


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Learn More InterPlay

More on InterPlay...


The Benefits of InterPlay

What Experience Does InterPlay Create?

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Over 600 participants —some experienced, some brand new—were asked to share one word that described their experience immediately after they attended an InterPlay event. Their responses were used to create this “word cloud,” which reflects the range and frequency of the words used—larger words indicate that word was more frequently used.

Body Wisdom Inc., Even Once Will Do It.


Why It Pays to Play Around. by Andreas Wagner in Nautilus Magazine, 2019.


Using Play to Rewire & Improve Your Brain. by Andrew Huberman on the Huberman Lab Podcast #58, 2022.


‘Free Moving’ Dance Has Healing Benefits for Mental Health. by UCLA Health, 2021.


Dancing Can Reverse the Signs of Aging in the Brain. by Frontiers on Medical Xpress, 2017.


Laughter is the Best Medicine. by Lawrence Robinson, Melinda Smith, and Jeanne Segal in HelpGuide, 2022.


Five Benefits of Improvisation. by Laura Ruiz Mitjana in Exploring Your Mind Magazine, 2022.


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